Friday 17 October 2008


The Sock is going to the Funky Monkey on Saturday - that's tomorrow! We hope to have a reporter from the Redoubt Reporter join us for coffee and pictures.

We also hope to have a lot of people come by to help us add on the inches. I've been making personal invites as much as I can . . . have to hope for the best because I have been pretty sick this week with some sort of cold, respiratory thingy that is going around Kenai. As a result, some of the pre-knit publicity didn't get done.

But . . . with the help of all of my family and friends . . . yup, I have high hopes.

Stay tuned here - I plan to take the laptop with me tomorrow and do a bit of "live" blogging. (hopefully their wifi will work better than the coffee shop from last week.) If you have questions, don't hesitate to post them in the comments and we will do our best to answer.

1 comment:

PurpleMoose said...

really barbara? art knitting! my
respect for him has grown sixfold.
my mother taught all 5 kids 2 knit. my older brother, who was in the 'brig' on the coastguard lightship 'swiftsure' said knitting saved his life. having been sentenced to 3 months on the lightship, whose duty tour was anchorage at an outcrop of rocks in the pacific for several months duration said the large brilliant light he could live with...but that fog horn which blasted at 15 second intervals was really a crazy maker. he started a scarf which would vary from 12 inches to a 3 stitch item (and all widths in between) and the months of knitting saved him from being taken off the
'lightship' in a straight jacket.

wonderful page/blog?
miss barbara.

vesta (sent via email to barbara/purplemoose)